The first-ever free mega-medical camp outside Gujarat was all set to happen in East India!
Darbhanga, Bihar.

The first-ever free mega-medical camp outside Gujarat was all set to happen in East India!
Darbhanga, Bihar.
Shrimad Rajchandra Love and Care conducts various vocational training courses free of cost to empower women from the weaker sections of the society. Recently, a Basic Beauty Course was conducted in Mumbai for training the less-privileged women in beauty parlour related skills.
With scorching temperatures being the norm in Muscat, construction workers brave the sweltering heat daily. However, volunteers of the Shrimad Rajchandra Love and Care Muscat centre decided to make their lives a little brighter during the festive season of Diwali.
Volunteers of the Shrimad Rajchandra Love and Care San Francisco Centre distributed over 70 hand-stitched specialised pillows to cancer patients, with the aim of providing them comfort during long drives.
A 5-month old kitten was recently brought to Shrimad Rajchandra Animal Nursing Home from Valsad, with a complaint of recurring rectal prolapses. Cats with rectal prolapses often face a high-level of pain and discomfort, and if untreated, the issue may result in long-term complications.
A 5-month old kitten was recently brought to Shrimad Rajchandra Animal Nursing Home from Valsad, with a complaint of recurring rectal prolapses. Cats with rectal prolapses often face a high-level of pain and discomfort, and if untreated, the issue may result in long-term complications.
Shrimad Rajchandra Hospital and Research Centre reached a new milestone recently – the hospital performed its first ever cardiothoracic surgery, the first of its kind in the Dharampur region!
A yoga workshop was conducted for students of the Gurukul Centre For Special Children in Ghatkopar, Mumbai. The school is a unique educational centre for special children, catering to the needs of children with cerebral palsy
Armed with helmets, gloves, reflective vests, and trash bags, volunteers of the Shrimad Rajchandra Love and Care San Francisco centre participated in a road cleanliness drive, under the US government’s Adopt-a-Highway programme. Through this activity, a 1/2 mile patch of Highway 880 was cleaned by the volunteers.
Volunteers from various Shrimad Rajchandra Love and Care centres worldwide actively engaged in diverse initiatives, making a meaningful impact on communities.