The story of Zakwan is a motivating one which establishes the importance of early intervention as a necessary part of the rural healthcare landscape, especially for infants. Zakwan was delivered through a caesarean section but displayed a delayed cry at birth. On the 2nd day after birth, Zakwan developed convulsions and was admitted to the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit at Shrimad Rajchandra Hospital, where he was treated. Considering the complications at the time of birth, it was imperative for him to undergo treatment in future.
At the age of 1, Zakwan was brought to Shrimad Rajchandra Viklang Centre (SRVC) as he was unable to hold his head steady and could hardly move any part of his body. The team of doctors at SRVC diagnosed Zakwan with dystonic cerebral palsy, developmental delays, sensory issues and a squint. Zakwan was immediately put on rehabilitation which led to a gradual recovery. Today, at the age of 4, young Zakwan is full of life and is able to stand and walk independently. He continues to undergo treatment at SRVC and the progress has been monumental.